Blog 17: Fourth Interview
1. What were your intrinsic motivation to learn your L2?
2. What were your extrinsic motivations to learn your L2?
3. Which motivation intrinsic or extrinsic was most motivational to you? Why?
4. Did you have any motivation due because you wanted to assimilate into your target languages society?
5. With the languages you have learned were there any that shared a language family? If yes/no how did this help or hinder your L2 acquisition?
6. In what ways did age of acquisition affect the learning of your L2?
7. What were the differences for you between learning a language before puberty than after puberty?
8. Why do you believe some grammatical concepts were harder to learn than others?
9. Why do you believe it is harder to learn a language after puberty?
10. How does proximity to the target language speaking group aid to language acquisition?
11. How did language affect transition from one culture to another?
12. What helps you code switch between languages?
13. What language do you think in and how does that affect your oral communication?
14. As an immigrant how did assimilation come into play when you were learning your new countries language?
15. Is one's grammatical judgement better in languages that they learned at an earlier age?
16. Approximately how long does it take to develop grammatically judgement?
17. How beneficial are lexical transfers between languages that are in the same language family?
18. How beneficial are syntactical transfers between languages that are in the same language family?
19. What benefits does drill memorization methods have in SLA?
20. What language acquisition method benefited you the most? Why?
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